
One Piece (Live-Action) (2023)

Based on the popular manga/anime series, One Piece is a live-action Netflix adaptation of the story from Eiichiro Oda. The show follows the exploits of a band of pirates, the Straw Hats, led by the energetic and adventure-loving Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy is a young man cursed with strange powers after accidentally eating a mysterious fruit. With his friends Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji, Luffy will head across the vast ocean to find the legendary treasure, the One Piece.

One Piece Netflix Teaser Poster
One Piece (Live-Action)

Iñaki Godoy , Mackenyu , Emily Rudd , Jacob Romero Gibson , Taz Skylar
Release Date
August 31, 2023
One Piece
Matt Owens , Steven Maeda , Tom Hyndman
Matt Owens
Story By
Eiichiro Oda


Mackenyu as Zoro, Jacob Gibson as Usopp, Inaki Godoy as Luffy, and Taz Skylar as Sanji walk through Coco village in Netflix's live-action One Piece 1
One Piece Season 2 Probably Won't Feature This Villain Despite Its Season 1 Tease

Several villains from Netflix’s live-action One Piece will reappear in season 2, but one the series goes out of its way to highlight won’t return.

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Casting Live-Action Nico Robin For One Piece Season 2: 10 Actors Who Would Be Perfect

A key element to One Piece success is its great casting of major and minor casting. Nico Robin's accurate casting can continue the trend in season 2.

Usopp, Luffy, and Nami in the live-action One Piece 1
The Future Of Netflix’s One Piece Live-Action Just Got Much More Exciting

Netflix’s newest One Piece project confirms how important the brand has become to them, suggesting a promising future for the live-action show.

Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro bracing himself to fight in One Piece 1
One Piece Season 2’s Zoro Change Is A Massive Relief Ahead Of His Mr. 1 Fight

The live-action One Piece series has treated audiences to great Zoro fight scenes, but season 2 has the potential to include even better battles.

Luffy in One Piece anime composited with live-action Netflix show Luffy 1
One Piece Getting New Anime Adaptation At Netflix Following Live-Action Remake Success

Eiichiro Oda's One Piece will be getting a brand-new East Blue-focused anime adaptation at Netflix following the success of the live-action remake.

Inaki Godoy as Luffy in One Piece and Crocodile 1
10 One Piece Devil Fruit Powers We Can't Wait To See In Live-Action

One Piece's first season displays a diverse range of Devil Fruit across its eight episodes. However, it remains to be seen how many more will show up.

Steven John Ward and John Gremillion One Piece Mihawk 1
One Piece's Live-Action & Anime Mihawk Actors Square Off In Hilarious Video

One Piece's live-action and anime Mihawk actors recreate an infamous meme, as Steven John Ward and John Gremillion meet at a recent convention.

Zoro speaking in the woods in One Piece season 1 episode 8 1
One Piece Season 2’s “Better” Zoro Fight Scenes Teased By Star

One Piece star Mackenyu teases "better" Zoro fight scenes in season 2, setting the stage for just how much action the upcoming episodes will have.

Shanks pointing his finger gun in One Piece season 1. 1
10 Best Fights In One Piece Season 1, Ranked

There are a lot of great fights in season 1 of Netflix's live-action One Piece, which makes it worth ranking the best 10 of them from worst to best.

Inaki Godoy as Luffy in Netflix One Piece and young Zoro 1
1 One Piece Season 2 Casting Will Reignite A 26-Year-Old Fan Debate Oda Never Settled

Netflix's One Piece casting has been great so far, but with season 2 underway, there are concerns regarding a mysterious character in the adaptation.

The Live-Action Naruto Movie Should Learn 1 Important Lesson From Netflix's One Piece

Netflix finally cracked the formula for a successful live-action anime adaptation, and if Naruto hopes to do the same, it will copy one key thing.

 Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, and Mackenyu as Luffy, Nami, and Zoro standing together in One Piece live action 1
10 Live-Action One Piece Scenes We Can't Wait To See In Season 2

Netflix’s live-action One Piece sets the stage for Luffy’s journey in season 1, but season 2 will feature even more exciting anime scenes.

Netflix’s Best & Worst Anime Adaptations Proved A Popular Live-Action Fan Belief Wrong 1
Netflix’s Best & Worst Anime Adaptations Proved A Popular Live-Action Fan Belief Wrong

Many beliefs and assumptions surrounding live-action anime still exist, but one was proven completely wrong by Netflix's best and worst adaptations.

Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece and Luffy Macy's Day Parade balloon 1
“R.I.P. Luffy”: One Piece Fans (& Netflix) React To Thanksgiving Parade’s Deflating Luffy Balloon

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon of One Piece's Monkey D. Luffy is deflating and both fans of the anime and Netflix are reacting in shock.

Luffy from Netflix's One Piece in front of Laboon the Whale and Reverse Mountain from the One Piece Anime 1
6 Iconic One Piece Anime Locations Season 2 Has To Nail

One Piece's debut chapter was a faithful adaptation of the manga and anime, and season 2 has to follow suit, especially in terms of locations.

Collage of Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece and Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang in Avatar: The Last Airbender 1
Netflix's Success With One Piece (And Now Avatar) Makes 1 Live-Action Anime So Much Worse

The success of Netflix's live-action One Piece further emphasizes how much of a letdown one of their movies was, but it gives hope to Avatar fans.

Live-action Luffy's mouth being pulled to the side with the anime's Baroque Works villains on the other side 1
10 One Piece Season 2 Villains, Ranked By How Strong They Will Be

From a sword expert to the frightening chief of a crime syndicate, the next season of Netflix's One Piece has many villains to explore.

Iñaki Godoy smiling as Luffy in Netflix's One Piece 1
One Piece's Live-Action Luffy Actor Shares Heartwarming Set Photos & Celebrates Netflix Show As Actors Strike Ends

Now that the actors strike is coming to a close, One Piece star Iñaki Godoy opens up about playing Monkey D. Luffy on the hit Netflix show.

Shanks from Netflix's live-action One Piece wearing his Straw Hat over an image of Shanks smiling in the anime 1
Oda’s Forgotten Arabasta Easter Egg Means One Piece Can Bring Back Shanks Way Sooner Than You Think

One Piece season 2 can bring Shanks back without diverging from the manga and anime’s canon, and it’s all thanks to an Arabasta arc Easter egg.

Sanji frowning in the One Piece anime and the live-action Sanji looking up at something 1
This One Piece Live-Action Scene Was Even Darker Than The Anime (& More Faithful To The Manga)

Netflix’s live-action One Piece makes one scene much darker than it was in the anime, but it stays true to Eiichiro Oda’s manga by doing so.

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