10 Best Elseworlds Batman Stories
DC's Elseworlds has featured many different variations on Batman; here are 10 must-read alternate continuity Caped Crusader tales.
DC's Elseworlds has featured many different variations on Batman; here are 10 must-read alternate continuity Caped Crusader tales.
Star Wars: Legacy is set more than a century after the OT, which allowed for a lot of freedom with its storytelling. Here's the 10 wildest moments!
The Avengers aren't known as Earth's Mightiest Heroes for no reason, & their reputation extends to those around them. Here's the 10 best 1v1 fights!
A number of TMNT mutants were introduced in the '90s, and have since been reimagined in the current canon. Here's 10 changes that'll shock '90s fans!
A few My Hero Academia characters have awakened their quirks after facing life-or-death situations, putting them among the strongest in the story.
Batman's is as vigilant about protecting his secret identity as he is about anything, but somehow, his worst villains keep finding out.
As DC's Beast World event kicks into full gear, tons of heroes and villains have been transformed, and some of them are cooler than others.
The Wild West was a lawless place full of criminals, cowboys and conflict, but classic cartoon The Far Side always saw the lighter side of things.
Shonen manga has a myriad of beautiful panels full of interesting compositions and thematic richness, here are ten of the genre's most iconic panels.
Apocalypse is as influential as he is powerful, and his impact can be felt throughout the entirety of X-Men canon. Here are the 10 ways that's true!
Superheroes built the foundation of Image Comics in the 1990s, gifting the world numerous characters. Here are the top 10, ranked.
Batman has been fighting criminals for decades, and in that time he's taken some pretty nasty hits that have left permanent scars on his body.
Peach Momoko has become an A-list artist, and her most disturbing images show why her Ultimate X-Men will be like nothing else we've seen before.
There is no shortage of epic fights in X-Men, and a great many of them are one-v-one. Here are the 10 best single combat battles in X-Men history!
The Predator has entered Marvel with Predator vs Wolverine, and now that it's there, who else will it hunt? Here's the 10 aliens who should be scared.
The One Sith rejected the Sith Rule of Two in the Star Wars: Legacy era, meaning there were a lot featured Sith Lords. Here are the 10 most badass!
The Juggernaut has been in countless fights throughout his Marvel Comics history, but only a few show his true power. Here are the 10 best, ranked.
Spawn is a series rooted in supernatural horror, and the artwork on many of the covers makes that abundantly clear. Here's the 10 most spine tingling!
Twenty years after Peanuts premiered, creator Charles Schulz was still improving his formula, creating new characters and reinventing his best gags.
Aside from Wolverine, the Weapon Plus Program is responsible for making a number of increasingly deadly living weapons. Here are 10 of the deadliest!
Prepare for a trip to the wild world of Calvin and Hobbes, where dinosaurs take center stage in ten of the most fantastically surreal comic strips.